About (the long version…)

My story began in 2012 when I bought my first smartphone. I took smartphone pictures when I traveled and some of the results were even good enough to print for wall art, but the overall quality was limited…

In 2016, I bought a Sony RX100 iii. This camera brought increased quality through trips to Arizona, Tennessee, North Carolina, California, Oregon, and 10 countries in Europe. Europe was cool; can’t wait to go back.

In February 2020, I dropped my camera case into a stream in a park and could not recover it. I could have just bought a new case but I was like, nah, I need a new camera so I bought the latest Sony RX100 vii. Maybe this was not worth the upgrade (it had further zoom and faster shutter speeds), but then came the COVID quarantine and this purchase would have a profound impact on my life. My job suddenly switched to full work from home and I had free time like never before so what better than to learn what my new camera could (more like could not) do. Quickly I realized that the technical specs like image sensor size, etc. were limiting my results, but this is getting too long…

By the end of 2020, I had 3 more cameras and many lenses, but one interesting thing happened during 2020. The unexpected comet Neowise showed up and along with it the many attempts at photographing it. Inspired by these, I attempted to capture this unique event but was woefully unprepared on the proper steps to capture and process the photos (see below). This piqued my interest in astrophotography.

Comet Neowise

One thing led to another and by the middle of 2021, I had a Skywatcher Star Adventurer, Raspberry Pi running Astroberry, a guide scope, a guide camera, and really just a complex setup that did not work well. Seriously, this is a bad setup. Do not try guiding with the Star Adventurer. So I scaled it back and just tracked without autoguiding. Moon photography and Milky Way panoramas also became some of my favorite targets.

In 2022, I decided that I could no longer keep my photography to myself and started giving away prints which subsequently led to the creation of this website.

I hope these photos point you to God, the Creator of all the subject of my photography. As the Apostle Paul states in the Bible: “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” Acts 17:27



Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.